Pet Bird Emergencies


Identifying Pet Bird Emergencies In Waldorf

Pet bird emergencies are not always easy to distinguish from a less urgent bird injury or mild illness, unless of course the bird has actually collapsed. Here are some bird emergency symptoms that you can watch out for so you’ll know when to seek avian emergency care at our clinic.

  • Bird injury – Inability or unwillingness to stand, broken bones, lacerations with uncontrolled bleeding, eye damage or a traumatic event such as flying into window glass
  • Cardiopulmonary crises – Noisy or difficult breathing, odd sounds made during breathing, undetectable heartbeat
  • Environmental pet bird emergency – Exposure to airborne chemicals, toxin ingestion, electric shock, panting due to heat stroke, hypothermia, visible burns
  • Acute diseases – Sneezing fits, watery eyes or nose, skin lesions, pest infestation, change in skin of toe color, dirty or unkempt feathers, pain weakness and listlessness
  • Digestive pet bird emergencies – Vomiting, noticeable change in weight (up or down), debris around the mouth, changes in the appearance or smell of droppings or changes in eating habits
  • Neuromuscular emergencies – Loss of function in a leg or wing, balance problems, holding the head at a tilted angle, sluggishness, depression, sudden loss of consciousness, violent spasms (which could be seizures) or strangely rapid eye movements
  • Sensory problems – An apparent, unaccountable loss of eyesight or hearing
  • Internal disorders – Crop burns caused by ingesting hot foods or water, unusual difficulty laying an egg, inability to urinate or defecate, foreign body ingestion or choking on a foreign body

The trouble signs listed above may be caused by a variety of serious threats, some of which may be hidden from immediate view. For instance:

  • Nerve problems and seizures can be caused by heavy metals in the water.
  • The same trauma that produced skin lacerations may also have caused an undetected internal injury.
  • Binding (difficult egg laying) may have also caused internal bleeding
  • A foot or beak injury can cause weight loss because the bird can no longer feed himself efficiently.

Since some bird emergency symptoms may point to other, unseen emergencies, you can’t really know just how much trouble your pet is in until you seek avian emergency care.

Bird Emergency Treatment at Waldorf Emergency Care

You’ll find the bird emergency treatment your friend needs right here at our facility. Keep our phone number handy so you can all us right away with any possible pet bird emergency you may have — or just come straight to us for immediate bird emergency care. We can perform external examinations, lab tests and other diagnostics to confirm the problem and then administer the appropriate bird emergency care that could save your beloved companions life. Call Waldorf Emergency Care if you have any questions about your bird’s health!