Common Emergencies

Common Pet Emergencies & Treatments From Our Emergency Veterinarians

Heat Stroke

If your pet has been outdoors for a while or was left in a warm car, watch for symptoms like a red tongue, pale gums, and overall weakness. These are all signs of heat stroke, which can be fatal if not treated promptly.


If your pet has been outdoors for a while in the severe cold, watch for symptoms like slow respiration, pale gums, overall weakness. These can be signs of hypothermia. Attempt to warm up your pet very slowly while you bring it in to see our emergency veterinarians for treatment.


Even seemingly healthy pets can have a seizure at any time, with reasons ranging from an underlying medical condition to environmental factors. If your pet has a seizure, remain calm and bring your pet into our emergency veterinary hospital right away.


Ingestion of toxins, such as chocolate or even chemicals like antifreeze, can be fatal. If your pet has ingested a toxin or if your pet is displaying signs such as vomiting, lethargy, and weakness, be sure to seek emergency veterinary care as soon as possible.

Bite Injuries

Bites from other animals or even from insects can be fatal in some conditions. For example, some pets will have allergic reactions to insect or other bites, and in other cases, bites from other animals can become infected. If your pet has been bitten and is showing signs of infection or inflammation, bring them in to see an emergency veterinarian promptly.


Choking is one of a few pet emergencies where you may need to take action, as you may not have time to get to the veterinarian. Try to open your pet’s mouth and look for foreign objects. If you can see anything, pull on your pet’s tongue to see if this dislodges the object. If not, you may need to (carefully) reach your finger in to dislodge the object and perform CPR.


Vomiting can become very serious quickly. Dehydration can occur and this may cause many systems to stop functioning properly. It is important to let our emergency veterinarians determine why your pet is vomiting. It may be an underlying metabolic disease, a blockage, or just dietary indiscretion. Treatment should be started immediately to prevent further complications. If your pet is vomiting, bring them in to see an emergency veterinarian promptly. 


Diarrhea is serious. Dehydration can occur and this may cause many systems to stop functioning properly. It is important to let our emergency veterinarians determine why your pet has diarrhea. It may be Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, Parasites, Parvo Virus, or just dietary indiscretion. Treatment should be started immediately to prevent further complications. If your pet has diarrhea, bring them in to see an emergency veterinarian promptly. 

Give Our Emergency Veterinarians and Staff Members A Call If Your Pet Is Having an Emergency