Mast Cell Tumors in Cats


Mast cell tumors are a common problem in cats. Some tumors are not serious. However, others may pose a serious threat to your pet’s life. Appropriate treatment can make a significant difference in your cat’s well-being. At Waldorf Emergency Care in Waldorf, we offer care for cats with both external and internal mast cell tumors.

What Are Mast Cell Tumors?

Mast cells are a normal part of the feline immune system, but sometimes, the mast cells experience abnormal growth that causes problems. Mast cell tumors can be either external, on the skin, or external, involving the visceral organs.

Symptoms of Mast Cell Tumors

You may find small, firm bumps on the head, neck or trunk of your pet’s body. These bumps may be itchy and may cause the animals to lick, bite or chew at them, because they release histamine compounds that cause discomfort. Internal mast cell growth cause poor feeding, weight loss, lack of energy and frequent vomiting.

Diagnosing Mast Cell Tumors

The vet will take a sample of cells from the tumor by aspirating them through a thin needle. The sample cells will then be examined under a microscope to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of Mast Cell Tumors

Your vet may recommend antihistamines for your cat to counteract the chemicals that these cells produce in the body. Surgery is generally advised for mast cells. External mast cell tumors generally respond well to surgical removal, although tumors can sometimes recur. Internal mast cell tumors may require surgery, along with chemotherapy and supportive care.

Make Waldorf Emergency Care Your Veterinarian in Waldorf

The veterinarians and staff at Waldorf Emergency Care animal hospital use their extensive training to provide the highest quality veterinary care for their patients in Waldorf and surrounding areas. We offer many veterinary services, including care for injuries, poisoning, seizures, dehydration, heat stroke and other sudden illnesses. Contact Waldorf Emergency Care today at (301) 705-9700 to have your cat examined and to learn about treatments for mast cell tumors that can help your pet.